Against fascism, let's reinvent hope

The anti-fascist electoral surge deprived the far right of a majority. That surge, however, is but a reprieve. The popular mobilization that served as a last-ditch attempt to put up a bulwark against the far-right must now turn into a long-term effort to rebuild the political,
union and associative tools for the emancipation of our social class—that of workers. Only by offering an appealing political alternative based on equality and justice can we make the far- right retreat.

With the blessing and support of conservative Catholic billionaire Vincent Bolloré and his media empire (Canal+, CNews, Journal Du Dimanche, Paris-Match, Europe 1...), the Rassemblement National has joined forces with Ciotti's Les Républicains. This alliance enabled the fascists to double their electorate and dangerously increase the number of their MPs. Additionally, Bardella has been appointed leader of the the far-right, pro-Putin group in the European Parliament.
The RN's electoral momentum is unleashing racist, homophobic and transphobic physical and verbal aggression on the streets and in the workplace... As the third-largest political force in the Assembly but the leading political party per say (with the main other political forces being coalitions), the RN will be able to reinforce its "anti-establishment" discourse in anticipation of the 2027 presidential election, as well as its "only party we haven't tried yet" narrative. The danger remains.

Parliament without a majority

The parliament is in turmoil, with much happening behind the scenes. Bourgeois democracy, in which elected representatives are virtually free of any popular control, is momentarily on hold. Whatever comes out of this situation, it won't satisfy the urgent social, economic, ecological and anti-racist demands. Nor will it live up to the aspirations for equality and justice of women, working-class neighborhoods and LGBTI minorities. At best, we may cling to the hope that the compromises that will inevitably have to be made between the three political blocs will curb the attacks against our social class.

Rekindling the flame of political struggle

“The left“ has suffered so many disappointments, from Stalinism to social-liberalism, that left-wing people have gradually but massively turned in on themselves, leaving the field to a Macronism that prided itself on supposedly “overcoming the left-right divide“—ultimately allowing the worst of reactionary ideas to flourish.
Faced with the hegemony of Bolloré's conservative media machine and pumped up far-right militants, these left-wing people have finally woken up, somewhat in panic. This awakening must be the starting point for reconquest and reconstruction. Ideological reconquest against the economic fatalism that ultraliberal capitalism is foisting on us, and reconstruction of the tools of our resistance.

Moral panic over “threats to the French identity“

While the electoral success of the far-right can be partly explained by the crisis of capitalism and the neo-liberal policies implemented over the decades, we have to face up to the ever-growing adherence, on our own side, to racist ideas and moral panics over the threat to “French identity” posed by French people of foreign origin or dual nationality, or migrants seen as “enemies from within”. This acts as fuel for the far-right, but we need to measure the responsibility of the State and decades of racist and colonial policies, stigmatization and discrimination from both the right and the left, in the name of so-called “republican values”. In order to fight the far-right, we must cut it down where it takes root.

In the face of the fascist peril and the insatiable hunger of the capitalist class, we need to rebuild our unions and our capacity to conduct serious strikes. We need to rebuild or develop our neighborhood councils and our feminist, anti-racist and environmental struggle associations on more combative foundations so as to make them fit for organizing actions that may be both radical and massive. 

Making communism desirable again

The Nouveau Front Populaire (New Popular Front), if it even is to last, will not be the tool of renewal. Social democracy will not live up to its promises and to the challenges ahead. We need to move on from an anti-capitalism that's too often being reduced to vague slogans, to a bold and determined defense of communism as the only credible alternative to capitalist globalization and the wars between major imperialist powers that threaten us—as in Ukraine—and keep peoples in a state of misery and domination—as in 

Mayotte, Kanaky or Palestine.

Faithful to their traditions, anchored in popular organizations and struggles, libertarian communists must, more than ever, carry high their project for society: socialization of the means of production and self-management of society with the tools of direct democracy.

Union Communiste Libertaire, July 8, 2024